Your guide to reducing hip pain, improving mobility, and preventing falls. A physical therapist would tell you to…
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Your guide to reducing hip pain, improving mobility, and preventing falls. A physical therapist would tell you to…
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Why is this section called ‘The Daily Ship’? It is my effort to ‘ship’ my work on a daily basis. I have a lot of insight to share and the best way to convey this (as well as get better at my craft) is to ship my work every day. Here is my effort toContinue reading “The Daily Ship”
You can use these 6 Acupressure Points for Lower Back Pain on a regular basis. The most effective and low-risk way…
Do you feel like one leg is shorter than the other? Don’t worry, I am here to tell you… it probably is. Read on to identify the causes, symptoms, and treatment options available.
Up to this point, this article has presented facts. Now I will present a clinical opinion based on facts and experience. I believe…
Home care jobs, particularly in Cleveland, have become the best opportunities for therapists. Here’s why…
There are lots of reasons your feet hurt. There are also lots of ways to fix them, but the most common is…
Ice and Heat are both underrated tools for helping you heal and controlling pain, you just have to know how to use them…
Have you ever experienced Sciatica before? Shooting pain from your low back, down your butt cheeks, into your hamstring. Here’s what to do…
Times have been changing for quite a while now due to improving connection speeds, collaboration apps, and cost-cutting efforts. Work-From-Home is the new normal, here’s how to stay healthy…